SAILOR 6333A A3 GMDSS конзола
Three bay console for 1xSAILOR 6301 Control Unit, 1xSAILOR 6222 VHF (2 handsets), 2xSAILOR 6006 Message Terminal Mini-C/RadioTlx. Incl connection boards, 2x406197A EDS-205 Moxa Switches, light and interconnection cables. Black/Grey
2708318.63 Ft
С вкл. данък
2201885.07 Ft Netto (non-EU countries)
Карол Лош
Продуктов мениджър /
+48603969934 +48507526097
[email protected]
Three bay console for 1xSAILOR 6301 Control Unit, 1xSAILOR 6222 VHF (2 handsets), 2xSAILOR 6006 Message Terminal Mini-C/RadioTlx. Incl connection boards, 2x406197A EDS-205 Moxa Switches, light and interconnection cables. Black/Grey
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