Our company is involved in preparing official permits from the Polish Ministry of Development and Technology, which allows us to export all dual-use drones, optics, and portable radiophones without VAT on the Polish side / and without VAT on the Ukrainian side.
DJI Terra Pro 1-Year Subscription (1 Device)
1352.41 $ net price (non-EU countries)
Viktoriia Turzhanska
Product Manager /
+48723706700 +48723706700
[email protected]
Anatolii Livashevskyi
Product Manager /
+48721808900 +48721808900
[email protected]
Michał Skrok
Product Manager
+48721807900 +48721807900
[email protected]
Make the World Your Digital Asset
Capture, analyze and visualize your environment with DJI Terra – an easy to use mapping software developed to help industry professionals transform real-world scenarios into digital assets.
Area Mapping
3D Models
Get sharp and realistic representations of your surroundings throughout various industrial applications, be it accident reconstruction, recreating thin power lines and complex vertical structures, managing major construction projects and more. The CUDA-based reconstruction algorithms are capable of quickly processing large amounts of data to deliver quality results.
2D Maps
Generate high resolution orthomosaics, enabling you to get detailed and accurate measurement results for all your critical projects.
Process point cloud data captured by the Zenmuse L1 in DJI Terra. In just one click, calculate POS data, fuse point cloud and visible light data, export point clouds in standardized formats, and generate fieldwork reports.
Using multispectral data from P4 Multispectral, generate radiometrically calibrated reflectance maps for remote sensing research and more, or produce vegetation index maps including NDVI and NDRE. Create prescription maps for variable rate application using DJI’s Agras drones to improve crop yields while driving down costs.
More highlights
Real-time 3D Mapping
When efficiency is key, quickly render and visualize a 3D model of the mapped area. Make decisions based on the preliminary model and check for completeness immediately or plan 3D flights on-site.
Real-time Mapping
Quickly generate a 2D orthomosaic of the selected area in real-time. Not only is this ideal for creating detailed flight paths in remote areas but it’s also useful for time-sensitive missions that require quick decision-making on site.
Detailed Inspection Mission Planning
Automatically generate waypoints and flight routes based on one or more points selected in a local 3D model or point cloud (or a third-party point cloud). A simulated camera view including the selected point is displayed onscreen to enable better waypoint selection and more efficient flight route planning, automating inspection workflows.
Mission Planning
Waypoints Mission Planning
Create efficient flight paths using predefined waypoint actions and adjustable parameters like altitude, speed, gimbal pitch angle, aircraft heading and more. For more complex and tight missions that require high attention to detail, use 3D Flight Visualization to design and simulate tasks on existing 3D models.
Area Mission Planning
With just a few taps on the screen, you can automate complex missions, allowing you to seamlessly capture imagery which can be processed to produce a variety of maps and models for further analysis, and to aid decision-making.
Oblique Mission Planning
When accuracy is essential and details are vital to your critical operations, Oblique lets you capture a rich 3D model data set by adjusting the angle of the camera at a tilted angle, giving you an extra crisp view of the asset.
Corridor Mission Planning
Create automated flight missions around roads and railways by simply drawing a line on the map. Adjust mission settings to change the total area mapped, giving you the flexibility to choose between creating high-definition 2D maps and 3D models or quick overviews.
Digitize the World Around You
Surveying and Mapping
A groundbreaking aerial survey solution that takes automation and data utilization to a whole new level, delivering unparalleled cost benefits and efficiency to mapping professionals.
Transforming the Power Industry
The refined modeling of power cables, poles, transmission towers, and other infrastructure revamps automated inspections and galvanizes the digital transformation of electrical grids.
Public Safety
DJI Terra facilitates customers in the public safety sector in make scientific decisions with advanced 3D situational awareness and by harnessing key on-site information.
Revolutionizing Oil and Gas
DJI Terra plays a crucial role in site management, pipeline inspection, and prospecting operations, by improving productivity while reducing business costs, bringing unprecedented change to the technology of the energy industry.
Feature/Version Terra Pro
Real-time 2D Mapping YES
Agricultural application YES
2D Reconstruction (Field) YES
2D Multispectral Reconstruction YES
2D Reconstruction (Urban) YES
KML file import YES
Output Coordinate System YES
ROI Reconstruction YES
Image POS import YES
Multi-GPU Reconstruction YES
3D Reconstruction YES
3D Mission planning YES
Real-time 3D Mapping YES
LiDAR Point Cloud Accuracy Optimization YES
Electricity Application NO
Detailed Inspection NO
Cluster Computation NO
Bind Device 1 device
Authorization mode Online/Offline
Validity Period 1 Year/Permanent
Data sheet
Official permits of the Ministry of Development and Technology
Our company is involved in preparing official permits from the Polish Ministry of Development and Technology, which allows us to export all dual-use drones, optics, and portable radiophones without VAT on the Polish side / and without VAT on the Ukrainian side.