SAILOR 6560 GNSS System
Discover the efficiency and reliability of the Sailor 6560 GNSS and Sailor 6561 GNSS systems, designed to gather crucial satellite data from various navigation sources such as GPS and GLONASS. These systems then distribute the collected data to essential on-board systems, ensuring safe and effective maritime operations. At the core of these systems is the advanced touch-screen Sailor 6004 Control Panel, which serves as the central component of the multi-functional universe, providing seamless integration and control over your vessel's essential features. Invest in the Sailor GNSS systems to elevate your maritime navigation experience.
2944.62 $
Tax included
2394 $ net price (non-EU countries)
Karol Łoś
Product Manager
+48603969934 +48507526097
[email protected]
Sailor 6560 GNSS System
c/w 6588 DGNSS Receiver, 6285 GNSS Active Antenna SAILOR 6004 Control Panel (7”), Connection Cable, Power Cable, Mounting Screws, User Manual (English)&Test sheet
Data sheet