SAT-VDA Hands-Free Vehicle Kit - SATTRANS with 3-in-1 Antenna for Thuraya XT PRO & Thuraya XT only!
759 $ net price (non-EU countries)
Satellite phones rental. Ask for the price and conditions.
Karol Łoś
Product Manager
+48603969934 +48507526097
[email protected]
Due to the nature of satellite signal, requiring direct view of the satellite, SAT-VDA significantly increases reliability of the satellite service for in-vehicle use. Hands-free features of SAT-VDA let you drive in comfort and safety while using your Thuraya phone. With the Digital Signal Processing box, the voice quality and comfort of use have never been greater.
Phone Holder, Universal Stand, 3 – in – 1 Antenna, Electronic DSP Box, Hands – Free Microphone and Speaker, Privacy Handset, Cables Kit, Bracing, Multi – Lingual Manual