List of products by brand Explore Scientific

Explore Scientific Eyepiece 92°LER 17mm 2" (49674)
4070.16 kr
Tax included
The choice of eyepieces significantly impacts whether an observing session is a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Glasses wearers often struggle to see the entire field of view when using eyepieces with large apparent fields. However, this problem is now a thing of the past. The new 92° LER eyepieces by Explore Scientific offer excellent image sharpness, high resolution, and contrast across the enormous full field of view - and you can see that full field without issues even while wearing glasses.
Explore Scientific Filters 2" OIII filter (54041)
808.05 kr
Tax included
OIII filters allow only light with a wavelength of 501 nanometres to pass through. This corresponds to the spectrum lines for double ionized oxygen. These lines are emitted by planetary nebulae and some emission nebulae, allowing these objects to remain visible while the rest is blocked out by the filter. This effect increases contrast and makes faint nebulae visible for the first time.
Explore Scientific Filters OIII 6.5nm 2" (77340)
1697.75 kr
Tax included
OIII filters are designed to allow only light with a wavelength of 501 nanometers to pass through. This specific wavelength corresponds to the spectrum lines of double ionized oxygen. Planetary nebulae and some emission nebulae emit these lines, enabling these objects to remain visible while the filter blocks out other light. This effect significantly increases contrast and makes faint nebulae visible for the first time.
Explore Scientific Filters SII 12nm 2" (77342)
1401.18 kr
Tax included
The Explore Scientific SII 12nm 2" filter is designed for observing and photographing specific types of nebulae and other deep-sky objects. This filter allows light at the wavelength of 672 nm to pass through, which corresponds to the emission line of ionized sulfur. It's particularly useful for enhancing the visibility of planetary nebulae, emission nebulae, and supernova remnants, especially in light-polluted areas.
Explore Scientific Filters SII 12nm 1.25" (77343)
882.19 kr
Tax included
The Explore Scientific SII 12nm 1.25" filter is designed for observing and photographing specific types of nebulae and other deep-sky objects. This filter allows light at the wavelength of 672 nm to pass through, which corresponds to the emission line of ionized sulfur. It's particularly useful for enhancing the visibility of planetary nebulae, emission nebulae, and supernova remnants, especially in light-polluted areas.
Explore Scientific Filters SII 6.5nm 1.25" (77345)
1178.76 kr
Tax included
The Explore Scientific SII 6.5nm 1.25" filter is a specialized astronomical filter designed for observing and imaging specific types of nebulae and deep-sky objects. This narrowband filter isolates the emission line of singly ionized sulfur (SII) at 672 nanometers, allowing astronomers to capture detailed images of emission nebulae, planetary nebulae, and supernova remnants.
Explore Scientific Barlow Lens Focal Extender 2x 1,25" (54035)
778.39 kr
Tax included
Teleextenders are valuable tools that allow you to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for observing the moon, planets, or small Deep-Sky objects using the same eyepieces. This enables you to enjoy the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal lengths - such as greater eye relief and more comfortable viewing - even at high magnifications.
Explore Scientific Barlow Lens Focal Extender 3x 1,25" (54036)
852.53 kr
Tax included
Teleextenders allow you to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for observing the moon, planets, or small Deep-Sky objects using the same eyepieces. This enables you to enjoy the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal lengths - such as greater eye relief and more comfortable viewing - even at high magnifications.
Explore Scientific Barlow Lens Focal Extender 5x 1,25" (54037)
926.67 kr
Tax included
Teleextenders allow you to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for observing the moon, planets, or small Deep-Sky objects using the same eyepieces. This enables you to enjoy the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal lengths - such as greater eye relief and more comfortable viewing - even at high magnifications.
Explore Scientific Barlow Lens 2x Focal Extender 2" (51293)
1371.53 kr
Tax included
Teleextenders allow you to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for observing the moon, planets, or small Deep-Sky objects using the same eyepieces. This enables you to enjoy the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal lengths - such as greater eye relief and more comfortable viewing - even at high magnifications.