Canon Camera EOS 4000Da Baader BCF
753.22 $
Tax included
The lowercase "a" designates an astromodified version of this camera: Typically, these cameras are fitted with filters that dampen the red spectral range, aligning the sensor's color perception with that of human daytime vision. However, this poses a challenge in astronomy, as it includes the critical H-alpha line, crucial for capturing the glow of astronomical gas nebulae. Consequently, this filter is removed during astromodification.
Celestron Reducer 0.63x / Corrector
141.1 $
Tax included
This dual-purpose focal reducer and field corrector lens accessory is compatible with all Celestron Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes ranging from 5" to 14" in aperture. Its innovative design allows for a dual focal ratio instrument without compromising image quality. Specifically, it operates at f/6.3 for C5, C8, C9¼, and C11 telescopes, and f/7 for the C14 telescope.
iOptron Guidescope iGuide Set
222.02 $
Tax included
Introducing iOptron's latest innovation, the iGuide compact autoguider system. This system comprises a portable mini guiding scope boasting a 30mm diameter and a 120mm focal length, paired with the iGuider camera. With an autoguider resolution of 6.44 Arc sec/pixel, it's particularly well-suited for guiding with telescopes of short to medium focal lengths.
iOptron iMate Control Box
203.35 $
Tax included
The iMate stands as a single-board computer, boasting a robust 64-bit ARM processor, complete with Wi-Fi connectivity, and preloaded with the KStars planetarium software, Ekos control, and the INDI drivers. This pairing of hardware and software extends support to a wide array of current and forthcoming devices, including cameras, focusers, and filter wheels, granting users the freedom to select their preferred brand and model.