Sky-Watcher N-203/1200 SYNTA 8 Dobson Pyrex Telescope (AKA Dob 8" Classic 200P)
673.99 $
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The Sky-Watcher N-203/1200 SYNTA 8 DOBSON Pyrex telescope (also known as Dob 8" Classic 200P), is an excellent choice for stargazing enthusiasts. This device is ideal for viewing nebular objects, spherical clusters, and mesmerizing galaxies. Utilizing additional filters such as the nebula filter enhances image quality, particularly in regions impacted by artificial light. Additionally, this telescope provides the opportunity to explore all planets within our solar system and observe many of their moons. However, it's essential to understand that while this telescope offers a broad range of viewing capabilities, the precision at high magnifications may be marginally inferior to microscopes equipped with micromovement. A perfect tool for novice and intermediate astronomers, the Dob 8" Classic 200P brings the universe closer to you.